  • 09134889722  |  info@lextorahsolutions.com.ng
    4th Floor, 42 Montgomery Road, Yaba, 101245, Lagos

09134889722  |  info@lextorahsolutions.com.ng
4th Floor, 42 Montgomery Road, Yaba, 101245, Lagos

Over-the-phone interpretation

Over-the-phone interpretation


Over-the-phone interpreting (OPI), also known as telephonic interpreting, is the act of translating one language to another over the phone. This can be done via a 2 or 3-way call and happens between you, the interpreter, and the party you are trying to reach. It is especially useful when you have an immediate or last-minute need for interpreting services you were not able to pre-schedule or when the person you need to communicate with is in another location.

Our expert over the phone interpreters bridge language gaps, enabling effective multilingual interpreting services and driving better customer experiences.

With Lextorah Language Solutions as your over the phone interpretation partner, you will have a single dedicated Customer Success Manager who tailors your call flow and account setup to your individual needs. Our onboarding process is efficient, and easy, and we offer industry-leading confidentiality, compliance, and risk management programs.







Pay Us A Visit

You can pay us a visit at the address below for further enquiries, or complete the form to Request a Quote


Office Address

4th Floor, 42 Montgomery Road,
Yaba 101245.

Request a Quote